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icon rewards card
MORE rewards dollars for taking care of your health

icon phone 
MORE access to medical advice, 24/7 through the nurse line

icon membeers
MORE dental and vision benefits

icon transport
MORE free rides to medical appointments, job interviews and other social services



Becoming a Buckeye Medicaid member is easy! Enroll now.


Learn how you can earn hundreds of reward dollars just for taking care of your health!


icon perscription
Medical, dental and vision care WITH NO COPAYS*

icon perscription
Prescription coverage WITH NO COPAYS**

icon membeers
FREE mental health coverage and specialty care


*For covered services

**Please see our preferred drug list (PDL) for all medically necessary, Medicaid covered prescriptions.


For a full list of benefits and services, please see our member handbook (PDF). Please call Member Services if you have any questions.