Find A Provider 

A provider directory is a list of physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers that are available to you.

Medicaid and MyCare

The Find a Provider Step-by-Step Guide includes our latest updates within the tool, including finding a Specialist.

Please note:

  • When clicking start your provider search, a new browser window will open.
  • This information can be provided orally in English, or in your primary language.
  • Written translations may be available in certain languages and accommodations will be made for the visually impaired.

If you have difficulty in reading or understanding this information, please contact:

Medicaid Member Services: 866-246-4358 or TTY at 800-750-0750
MyCare Member Services: 866-549-8289

For Medicaid Specialists

Specialists are included in the Diamond Designation™ Program in select counties of Ohio who practice in Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Neurology, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Podiatry, Pulmonology, or General Surgery

Special Providers & Supplies

Members may access specialists without a referral. It’s a good idea to discuss seeing a specialist with your PCP first so that he or she can help coordinate your care. For more information, please contact Member Services at (866) 246-4358 or TTY (800) 750-0750.


Customer service: (888) 345-1780
Fax number for providers: (800) 249-1513
Hours available: Monday - Friday / 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

J&B Medical Supply

You may access incontinence supplies included on the list (PDF) from J & B Medical Supply. You may contact J & B Medical Supply by email, phone or fax, as specified below.

Phone: 800-737-0045, ext. 2803
Fax: 800-737-0012
Available Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm EST

They will verify your insurance benefits, obtain a prescription from your physician, then contact you to explain options and process the order to be shipped directly to your home.

For urgent services, such as obtaining additional supplies after surgery or for vacation, contact J&B at 800-737-0045, ext. 803 and inform the representative of the urgent need and any special circumstances around the need. Also, contact Buckeye Member Services Department: 1-866-246-4358.


5656 Mayfield Rd
Lyndhurst, OH 44124
www.alinamedicalsupplygov.comExternal Link

Phone: (440) 461-2648
Fax: (440) 566-0137

Comfort Medical (Preferred provider for Ostomy/Urology Supplies)

Phone:  (800) 700-4246
Fax:  (954) 200 - 8734
Available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


Diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) provide an evidence-based foundation to empower people with diabetes to navigate self-management decisions and activities. DSMES is a cost-effective tool proven to help improve health behaviors and health outcomes for people with diabetes. Click here to find a DSME provider (PDF) in your area.

Members may access preferred diabetes supplies included on the list (PDF) from a local pharmacy through Buckeye's pharmacy benefits. 

You may access diabetes supplies included on the list (PDF) from J & B Medical or Edwards Health Care Services. Contact one of the providers by email, phone, or fax, as specified below.

J & B Medical

Phone: 800-737-0045, ext. 2803
Fax: 800-737-0012
Available Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm EST

Edwards Health Care Services

Phone: 888-344-3434
Fax: 844-416-0581
Available Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EST

They will verify your insurance benefits, obtain a prescription from your physician, then contact you to explain options and process the order to be shipped directly to your home.

For urgent services, such as obtaining additional supplies after surgery or for vacation, contact J&B Medical or Edwards Health Care Services at the number above and inform the representative of the urgent need and any special circumstances around the need. Also, contact Buckeye Member Services Department: 1-866-246-4358

Medicaid Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager (SPBM)

MyCare Opt-Out (Medicaid only) – Find a Pharmacy

Ambetter Marketplace

If you need assistance, please contact Ambetter Member Services at: 877-687-1189.

Wellcare By Allwell

If you need assistance, please contact Medicare Member Services at: 800-633-4227.