Integrated Care
Buckeye Health Plan Integrated Care Teams are available to assist members with medically or socially complex needs that may benefit from increased coordination of services to optimize health and prevent disease. Our Care Coordination Department is staffed by individuals with extensive medical or social work experience in areas such as obstetrics, oncology, behavioral health, medical/surgical, HIV/AIDS, and physical rehabilitation for children and adults.
Early intervention is essential to maximize treatment options while minimizing potential complications associated with catastrophic illnesses or injury and exacerbation of chronic conditions. A Care Coordinator is available from 7a.m. - 7p.m. EST, Monday thru Friday to assist with coordination of the member’s healthcare needs.
The following conditions and/or diagnoses are examples of appropriate referrals to the Care Coordination Department:
- Adults or children with Serious or Complex Medical Needs
- Social Issues (social isolation, hunger, housing, domestic violence)
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Heart Problems
The provider’s role in Buckeye Health Plan's Care Coordination program is extremely important. Practitioners who have identified a member who they think would benefit from disease or case management should contact the Care Coordination Department to speak with a member of our Integrated Care Team at 1-866-246-4358.