Buckeye Mobile Van

The Buckeye HealthConnect Van is coming to your neighborhood!
Where we work, live and play can have a significant impact on our health. Our new Buckeye HealthConnect Van is in Central Ohio

Flu Shot & Well Visit
Get your annual well check and update your immunizations by visiting the HealthConnect Van.
Check out this list of health services:
- Adult Health Screenings
- Blood Pressure Screenings
- Adult Body Mass Index Assessment
- Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children/Adolescents
- Diabetes Testing
- Childhood Immunization Status
- Immunizations for Adolescents
- Flu Vaccinations
Buckeye members can earn rewards through the My Health Pays® program!
Watch this video to learn more about the van!
Buckeye Health Connect Daily Schedule
Please view the calendar at the link below to check dates for availability. The Buckeye Mobile Unit is only available for 1 event per day. Please do not request an event for a day that already has a scheduled event. Thank you!
Buckeye Health Connect Calender View
Blackout Period: November 1 – January 31
No events to be scheduled during this time for staff to focus on:
- next year’s goals
- calendar events
- provider and community partnerships.
Request the Mobile Unit for an Event in Your Area!
Request a Stop! Buckeye is looking for provider partners to staff our mobile unit with providers, physician assistants, and/or certified nurse practitioners, accompanied by nurses to provide clinical services. Our goal is to help as many Ohioans as possible to get the care, resources, and services they need and to meet them where they are. Although Buckeye will focus on identifying members with care gaps, there is not an expectation for outreach and services to only include Buckeye members. Clinical staff can provide services to their patients and community members according to their administrative policies, billing, and strategic initiatives.
Some of the HEDIS measures that can be provided with our mobile van:
- Controlling High Blood Pressure
- Adult BMI Assessment
- Vaccinations
- Diabetes Control/Cholesterol
Community Partners and Provider Groups - Make a Request
Please keep in mind mobile unit requests must be made 6 weeks in advance of an event to ensure availability. Buckeye mobile unit approved events are subject to availability and capacity to meet the needs of each event. Please be aware that Buckeye reserves the right to deny requests based on schedule conflicts. All requests are made subject to review alignment with our mission and guidelines and agreement to comply with terms and conditions. Submission of a request does not guarantee approval of request. The mobile unit cannot be used to support fundraisers or political activities